jueves, 7 de septiembre de 2017

Actor Training (VV.AA., 2010)

Actor Training
Título:Actor Training
Autor:Varios autores
País:Estados Unidos
Formato:.epub / .mobi / .pfd
Tamaño:12,1 MB

Libro compuesto por un grupo de ensayos dirigidos a todos aquellos interesados en el mundo de la actuación. Está especialmente recomendado para estudiantes y profesores de actuación. Los ensayos incluidos son los siguientes:

1 stanislavsky’s system: pathways for the actor
2 meyerhold and biomechanics
3 jacques copeau: the quest for sincerity
4 michael chekhov on the technique of acting: ‘was don quixote true to life?’
5 michel saint-denis: training the complete actor
6 the knebel technique: active analysis in practice
7 brecht and actor training: on whose behalf do we act?
8 joan littlewood
9 strasberg, adler and meisner: method acting
10 joseph chaikin and aspects of actor training: possibilities rendered present
11 peter brook: transparency and the invisible network
12 grotowski’s vision of the actor: the search for contact
13 jacques lecoq, monika pagneux and philippe gaulier: training for play, lightness and disobedience
14 training with eugenio barba: acting principles, the pre-expressive and ‘personal temperature’
15 ariane mnouchkine and the théâtre du soleil: theatricalising history; the theatre as metaphor; the actor as signifier
16 wŁodzimierz staniewski: gardzienice and the naturalised actor
17 anne bogart and siti company: creating the moment
18 augusto boal and the theatre of the oppressed

Número de páginas: 363

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